It's not real. It's not existing for any purpose.それは本物じゃなく、それも目的ないように存在いたします。此非真, 不為何存在。It's not real. It's not existing for any purpose.それは本物じゃなく、それも目的ないように存在いたします。此非真, 不為何存在。It's not real. It's not existing for any purpose.それは本物じゃなく、それも目的ないように存在いたします。此非真, 不為何存在。
火曜日, 3月 21, 2006
金曜日, 3月 03, 2006
I really don't know why.... I knew the words, but I can't realize what they mean after being fallen into ranks...
Language is necessary for communication but it also causes the misunderstanding between people.
Sure it does... But for what I am still doing such job about language? Because the translation between two languages includes needed consideration too much. It's little charming for having the power to tell somebody who needs your saying to him about the other strange pronunciation to him...
Maybe, that's kind of responsibility but actually you don't have to take for real.
Like this......
Times clock around the world, hesitate to catch up the former
but not worry to be come up with the later.
Build an army to slave human being everywhere sounding evil but no body hates it.
I can't get it because my mind is exploding...
I even don't know what I am saying.
What I am talking? I don't know, either. Truly I did.
依舊被文字困擾, 無法再流洩出原本就該能輕易對應的主題.
是否能? 是否是? 是否存在? 是否逃避? 是否自行掩飾, 不願再望?
生活在遠方? I agree with that. Most of people do that without consciousness and without any purpose.
Because the truth of life is just the way it is, being conflicting and lacerated due to react against every tiny little reality.
Everyone is talking about value of life? What? Democracy? Freedom? Independance? Union? Power? Fame? Order? Job? Success? Money? Achievement?
All craps!!!
將一再反覆聆聽的 Glenn Gloud的Goldberg Variation與Jacques Lussier的Jazz版本擺在一起,交
相聆聽, 是角度問題? 還是本質上就可以不同?
聲音本來就先於歷史的進程, 早先於時間預告未來的走向. 可以如此解構嗎? 我仍然存疑, 一如往
常對任何事物的質疑, 或者用情感上較喜愛的詞"詰難"好了, 我們都必須於每個存在的現在不斷地
詰難自我, 來證明未來歷史的存在, 惟, 當歷史已記載前述存在, 我們亦都與此無關了........
something useless-loser's pronoun
睡不著的中午, 還沒想到要開始寫什麼, 該開始上班,
對於我們這些平凡人來說, 工作是必須的. 做自己喜歡的工作?
我一直都相信, 那是屬於少數人的幸福, 現實, 會讓人領會....
人生是have to do something...
But actually, the feeling of being a loser is always kept in my mind.
為什麼不? loser不好嗎? 為什麼一定要成功? 成功個鬼咧!